Monday, May 16, 2005

Hmm, idiots with their blogs.

If you are going to rant on your blog, here's a tip: Don't say the person's name. First of all, it is because you can get sued for it, and second of all, it shows your stupidity in not knowing the first. A few hints here and there would do fine, thank you very much. That way, unless the person has an oversized ego which makes him think that anything loosely connected to him has something to do with him, he can't sue you.

So, where does that put our poor friends who have been under fire? Stupid? I doubt it. They simply think that because their blogs are so remote, and even (*gasp*) password locked, will mean that the world cannot see their blog/will not see their blog.

Dead wrong.

This is the great thing about the web. You scold person A, and the whole world, if they care, will know that person A has done so and so to you. Sad thing is, unlike your friends who probably won't blow the whistle on you, person A can actually visit your blog, and hence see that you hate him. All he need is see you uttering something that is close to swearing at him, and you could be brought to court.

Fun, isn't it?

Another great thing about the web is information can be shared quickly and easily. And thanks to the web, we have easy assess to porn, roms, warez, cracks...the list goes on. Hence, we really should thank the web for giving us things which we probably won't have. Then again, we are simply misusing it. I mean, back in the old days, how can you misuse a book to make it in a way which you can obtain illegal devices? Hard, unless the book is something which you can seriously use to obtain illegal stuff.

Thanks to technology, we have plenty of morons (myself included) who will misuse it in one way or another.

I like GP videos.

Especially when they are about something interesting, like today's one about how enviromentalists are making a huge fuss as to how the world is going to hell and back.

What I DON"T like, is the damned fact that the teacher will pause it every few minutes, asking meaningless questions which we can see for ourself. If they want our opinions, ask us to write a video review or something. I don't mind, but there will be a few who will... (LoL)

So, either show us the video, allowing us to watch in peace, you can ask all your questions later, or don't show us the video. It's extremely annoying to get interrupted half way. This is also why I hate commericals.....but they do give us the programs, which is why Ihave no choice but to head to the loo when they appear.

Ah well...

In any case, is the enviromental issue really being blown out of proportion? Well, to some extent, yes. Some facts like how we humans will boil in 200 years time if we continue to to pollute the world, are kinda exaggerated. Then again, there is some facts to their claims. The world IS getting warmer everyday day. It's at times so hot, it's more then annoying. Scientists have said that the globe is much warmer then it was a few years ago. Anti-enviromentalists will counter by saying (as they have in the video) that the world was as hot as it was a few thousand years ago. Well, first of all, the data is incomplete, and very likely inaccurate, as they are mere predictions. Second of all, the funny thing is that they are talking about how "environmentalists want to move backward", while they themselves are saying how "present = the past". In fact, they welcome the warmer weather, saying it's merely 1 degree change or so (they say.. >_>). Well, it's interesting to note that the areas where the temperature is taken is not revealed. Perhaps they are talking about some island found on the Pacific Ocean? Second of all, 1 degree can make all the difference. 1 degree can lead to plenty of things. Ever hear of the butterfly effect? Well, I think this is roughly the same. 1 degree change in some place might mean that other areas suffer. For example, 20 countries are 1 degree hotter, which brings the net to almost 20 degrees. Besides, 1 degree hotter could mean a little more ice is melted every year. Sure, the value is small, but the effects, according to theChaos theory, could be huge.

Also, they are saying that pesticides are harmless to our bodies. Dude, have you heard of things like cancer? Perhaps there is no short term effects, but in the long run? You are screwed. gg, rm plz. So, we don't want pesticides. Yeah, they can be good, but isn't that a way for the farmers to earn more? They earn more because the corns die less often, and we get screwed. In fact, they themselves get screwed sooner or later, due to all that crap. So, in my view point, NO to all these pesticide crap. I want my apples straight from the tree. If there is a worm, too bad. Hope the worm enjoyed the apple.

It's all part of nature.
You screwed up the last time. Granted, I screwed up as well. But I don't it's right. I guess it's off.


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